in Gaming

League of Legends: Riot to release more champions, additional feature updates

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Not long after Riot Games’ major nerf updates for League of Legends’ broken champion Zeri, League lead champion producer Ryan “Reav3” Mireles has spoken about the game’s brand new upcoming mysterious bot laner and void jungler champion.

Alongside the upcoming champion release, Reav3 confirmed League is also set to release a slight rework on Udyr, Skarner VGU update with an unknown release window and another mystery VGU set to “greenlight” soon according to Reav3’s post on Reddit.

While there is no information on the release date, Reav3 has revealed a little piece of information adding more about what the team is planning to do this year.

Project details, more

More about the new champion, Riot has teased League’s players earlier this year in a developer’s update. Reav3 took the spotlight soon after the release of Zeri’s gameplay trailer.

The lead champion producer revealed the team is keen on working an entirely new darker and sinister support champion that would make support users go “berserk” following the current League’s lineup of “light-hearted, colorful, good-aligned” enchanters.

“We also wanted to make a champion whose theme and kit make support players feel like the boss they are,” Reav3 said. “Those damage carries always get all the credit, but it’s always been you behind the scenes, keeping them alive with your buffs, constantly saving them from certain death.”

Reav3 continued that there would be another new champion, this one is a Void jungler and rumored to be the next full beast champion after Yuumi. Lastly, Riot has revealed a mysterious image, teasing for another potentially new champion to release this year as per Dot Esports.

Moreover, Reav3 has confirmed the Champion Roadmap is in the work, the release order of these champions, Udyr’s minor rework and Skarner VGU.

“I’m writing the roadmap right now, aiming for sometime in April to release it,” Reav3 added.

“The order right now is Jungler>Botlaner>Udyr. Skarner devblog is still a ways off, probably in the 2nd half of the year sometime, but I am going to talk about it and show a little early dev work on it in the next Champion Roadmap.”

Mysterious VGU

However, Reav3 explained that the mystery VGU project release window depends on how long it progresses this month. The Riot dev would include the project in the next roadmap should the team has agreed to give it a green light.

“Can’t say for sure, but it’s looking likely I will talk about the mystery project, but it depends on how far along it gets this month. It’s not quite a VGU though but something completely new that we haven’t don’t before. Don’t want to say much in case for some reason we icebox it, but it’s looking likely we will greenlight it soon. If so I will include it in the roadmap,” Reav3 explained.

While the mysterious VGU could be released in late 2022 or next year, League fans are undoubtedly full this year with new updates planned for the game. Therefore, it is best to wait for more information from Riot, League and Reav3 to release more information on future updates.