in Gaming

TSM ‘doesn’t care’ LCS team quality, Doublelift says

Twitch streamer and former League of Legends professional player Yiliang “Doublelift” Peng revealed his former team TSM is uninterested or “does not care anymore” about the quality of its rosters for the LOL Championship Series.

Doublelift on the same occasion also revealed a few bad notes of his former employer over the franchise founder and CEO Andy “Reginald” Dinh mistreatment of players among other things.

All in all, the former TSM questions the franchise’s decision this season for going with a low-cost lineup change, adding that the organization’s roster change is a common practice and the team has lost its taste in eyeing a quality roster.

TSM roster change, poor management

TSM this season is not doing great. The team suffered a major slump in LCS this year for missing the tournament’s playoffs for the first time in their history following consecutive defeats on the first and second week of the Spring competition.

The franchise’s last stellar LCS performance was in last summer, finishing up first after defeating the likes of Evil Geniuses, Cloud9, 100 Thieves, and others. Since then, the organization appeared to have lost its touch mostly due to its major tournament roster change from releasing coach Anand “Curry” Agarwal to free agent and coach Søren “Bjergsen” Bjerg to Liquid, Hu “SwordArt” Shuo-Chieh, and Tristan “PowerOfEvil” Schrage just to name a few.

Doublelift criticized TSM’s decision for releasing their champions roster lineup, especially for SwordArt who was keen to stay and sign for all off-season in 2021. But Reginald seemed to have another idea.

“SwordArt called me afterwards and said ‘I’m coming to TSM’,” Doublelift on a November 9 Twitch stream.

“He still wanted to play with me, and then I called Andy and told him ‘SwordArt still wants to play with me and I would love to continue to play for the org’ and Andy said no because he’s got too much of an ego.”

Despite all of this, the former professional player thinks that if SwordArt, Bjergsen and he were to be retained by the organization, TSM could have gone international in 2021.

“If I was on TSM last split there’s no doubt in my mind we would have made Worlds,” he added.

“I talked to SwordArt after Spring⁠—we got hotpot around MSI —and the dude was literally saying if me and Bjergsen were still playing we would have 100% won. Every split I’m on TSM we win and still to get treated like that, it’s disgusting.”

TSM ‘going budget’

On April 29, TSM reached the news headline for replacing Wei “Shenyi” Zi-Jie with LLA support Choi ‘Mia” Sang-in for the team starting lineup. For Doublelift, the move was something he agreed with, however Shenyi “got screwed” in the transaction process.

“What’s new, though? TSM and screwing over their players? That’s like f**kin’ peanut butter and jelly,” he added.

When asked why the organization is not going for top replacements, the 28-year-old explained TSM is “going budget” and a number of people wanted to get out of the organization following questionable decisions made.

“Dude, you can tell they’re going budget, right? They went LDL players this last split. They don’t care anymore,” Doublelift said.

“TSM is making some very questionable decisions, and I think that a lot of people want to get out of that org.”